Monday, January 28, 2008

Sawyer is in recovery!

Hi, my name is Tom Sawyer and the beginning of my life was quite adventureous---though I will not elaborate too much here---as I'd rather forget about it. In any case---I found myself at a shelter and Illinois Birddog Rescue was able to come and get me before my life was cut short. Phew---was that close!

I'm in temporary foster care now and try to learn how to relax and get this "living a civilized life" think down pat!The outside yard is cool! I like to explore it.

Now house rules confused me a little...I tried to check up on the counter "what's for dinner", and suddenly heard a stern "NO!". Hmmh...I guess I'm not supposed to do this...I found this interesting bucket---had loads of toys in it. Evidently it's fine if I check this out...I like the comfy life I get to lead now!!! I'll write more when I get to my new foster home.